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Commercialisation of Nu Torque Singles Yarns Technology (Hong Kong)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-10-26 09:12:05  来源:The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - PolyU 收藏

Nu Torque Singles Ring Yarn Technology (“Technology”) is an invention of the Institute of Textiles and Clothing of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (“PolyU”).

The Technology is a mean to produce singles ring yarn with reduced residual torque that can be woven and knitted in fabrics with very soft handle, low spirality, good strength and pilling performance.

Low torque yarn products such as low torque singles ring yarn, slubyarn, elastic core-spun yarn, finer tabular yarn as well as cotton sweaters, T-shits, denim, towel have been developed.

The Technology can be applied on cotton and worsted spinning systems. PolyUseeks to commercialisethe Technology for the benefit of the fashion and textile industry.

The development of the Technology started in 1996.?In 2002, Innovation & Technology Fund (ITF) was received for the further development of the Technology. The Technology then went for in-mill trial to test its commercial viability with the assistance of industrial sponsors.

In 2005, a total of 50,000 trial units developed based on the Technology were installed and more than 9,200 tons of low torque yarns were produced. The initial feedback from the market was encouraging and was adopted by renowned world garment brands overseas. In 2008, a funding support from The Hong Kong Research Institute for Textiles and Apparel (HKRITA)was received to carry out an industrial trial of the Technology.

In 2009, the Technology in its fourth generation is now ready for industrial applications.

The Technology is currently protected by a family of patents, inclusive of :

- 5 US;
-4 PRC; and
-3 PCT

3 US patents and 1 PRC patents have been granted.

• A physical manufacturing method to produce torque balanced singles ring yarns in a single step on a single machine. A false-twister and related components for the short staple yarn to produce low torque yarns in existing spinning mechanism.

• A control mechanism of yarn residual torque and a method to control yarn tension by adjusting the speed ratio through a mechanical device. A manufacturing apparatus enabling auto-doffing and easy piercing-up for industrial application.

• A new testing method and apparatus for yarn snarling, and optimised processing parameters for spinning, weaving, knitting, dyeing and finishing.

The Nu Torque Technology -involves a mechanical device-can be a retrofit unit on existing ring spinning frame-can be used on any types of ring spinning machines -can produce singles ring yarn with reduced residual torque using regular fibers

Products using Nu Torque Yarn -soft handle-low spirality angles-lighter in weight-good strength and pilling performance

Yarn production cost: 24-40% increase in productivity; 10% saving as no yarn plying is needed.

Finishing: 15-20% saving on finishing treatment needed forthe conventional cotton fabric.

Knitting: 10% savingin knitting cost due to lower spiralityand clearsurface with symmetrical loops

Energy saving: Saving of ~335 units of electricity per one ton of yarn produced

Environmentally-friendly : No chemicals, no water andsteam required for production.

PolyU seeks to commercialise the Technology on its “as-is” state through a licensing arrangement with industrial users with the basic terms which are for discussion only and not an offer as follows:

Exclusivity: Non-exclusive
Duration of the license : 10 years
License fee:
- Lump sum payment and an annual maintenance fee:
1 Lump sum one-off non-refundable payment subject to the total number of spindles operating by the licensee; and
2 An annual maintenance fee equivalent to 10% of the lump sum payment during the term of the license

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文章关键词: PolyU  Singles Yarn  Nu Torque  Technology 


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