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Woolmark Gold campaign kicks off

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-10-26 09:14:13  来源:Australian Wool Innovation Limited 收藏
The largest wool marketing program ever undertaken in China is underway.

The Woolmark Gold campaign simply states that to dress with style is to dress with wool.

The story and heritage of Merino wool as a premium natural fibre is being told through a co-ordinated media and retail campaign. Luxury European fabric and tailoring brands have united under a common banner for the first time in a century to sell the message. As licensees, Holland and Sherry, Taylor and Lodge, Hield Brothers, Vitale Barberis Canonico, Reda, Dormeuil, Scabal and Johnstons of Elgin will carry the Woolmark Gold label.

Headlining the campaign is nine, hour-long television episodes to air on the China Business Network (CBN), educating consumers about the fibre; from the Australian environment in which it is grown to the skillful craftsmen and that complete its journey at retail. (watch preview here)

Woolmark Gold will be shown on The Style Focus, China’s only luxury lifestyle channel. With associated print and online media this series is expected to be viewed by 60 million consumers. The audience size reflects the rapid growth of wealth in China which is set to become the world’s largest consumer of luxury goods by 2015.

AWI global business development manager Sam Guthrie said Woolmark’s reputation as a neutral authority was crucial in developing the CBN coverage but also linking the European and Chinese business opportunities.

“Chinese consumers of luxury products are increasingly discerning and are demanding the greatest integrity and provenance. This is to Australian wool’s advantage given it is an enduring natural fibre.”

The launch of Woolmark Gold coincides with the Autumn/Winter edition of the Intertextile trade fair in Shanghai. As part of the launch, a Gold Woolmark sourcing event was held with China's elite garment making organisation, The Wenzhou Garment Association. This AWI event involved 300 Chinese garment brands representing over 2000 retail outlets.

Fredrick Dormeuil said “we realise the wisdom of a united message from suppliers of premium Australian wool qualities, in the industry's most important market. I am delighted that the Gold Woolmark message has been so warmly received by premium clothing manufacturers.”

Michael Day of Scabal added "we are delighted to be part of such a prestigious venture as Gold Woolmark seen as a guarantee of elite quality, heritage and craftsmanship."

The Woolmark Gold campaign is set to run for three years.
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