Nantong Home Textile City Set Branch in Northeast China
Nantong Tongzhou Northeast China United Chamber of Commerce officially setup recently. It is a non profit-distributing business organization, comprising businessmen coming from Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang. This is the second chamber of commerce in Nantong setup by businessmen from other regions, besides the Zhejiang chamber of commerce.
The rapid development of Nantong home textile industry attract the eyes of business men over the nation, especially whose from Zhejiang and Northeast China. There are more than 100 fabric stroes running by people from Northeast China, with employees about 2000. How to help those outlanders to live happily in Nantong as well as do business there become a major issue of local government. With the approval of Nantong Tongzhou Industry and Commce Chamber of Commerce, and Tongzhou Department of Civil Affairs, Nantong Tongzhou Northeast China United Chamber of Commerce is officially setup.