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Qingqing Wu bags CFW 'Top Ten Fashion Designer Award'

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-11-03 08:23:01  来源:VLOV Inc 收藏
VLOV, Inc., which designs, sources and markets VLOV-brand casual, fashion-forward apparel for men in the People's Republic of China, announced that its CEO and Chief Artistic Director, Mr. Qingqing Wu, was awarded China Fashion Week's "Top Ten Fashion Designer Award" for 2010.

Since its founding in 1997, China Fashion Week has held over 600 fashion shows, around 100 professional contests and 13 China Fashion Awards ceremonies. Well known throughout the industry, China Fashion Week serves as an internationally influential stage for fashion designers and brands alike to unveil the latest trends and showcase new designs. This year's awards ceremony crowned a number of winners, including Annual Best Fashion Designer, Best Professional Model, China's Top 10 Fashion Designers, China's Top 10 Professional Models, Best Menswear Design, Best Womenswear Design, and the Top China Fashion Designer Award.

"I would like to thank China Fashion Week's Organizing Committee for recognizing my work," said Mr. Wu. "During the past year, we have successfully evolved and enhanced our VLOV brand image by offering more elegant, stylish and chic designs. I am proud to have received this Top Ten Fashion Designers award, which is a testament to the vision that we have for the VLOV brand."

VLOV, Inc., a leading lifestyle apparel designer based in China, designs, sources and markets VLOV-brand fashion-forward apparel for middle-class Chinese men. VLOV products are sold by distributors through multiple points of sale throughout China.
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文章关键词: VLOV  Qingqing Wu  Top Ten Fashion Designer Award 


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