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Dow Advanced Materials Breaks Ground on New Acrylic, Styrene-Acrylic Polymer Plant in Vietnam

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-11-09 08:25:48  来源:Business Wire 收藏
Dow Advanced Materials, a division of The Dow Chemical Company DOW, has broken ground on a new manufacturing facility in Dong Nai Province in southern Vietnam for the production of acrylic and styrene-acrylic polymers used in the paint, coatings, construction, packaging, home and personal care industries. The new plant, scheduled to go on-stream in September 2011, will be shared by three Dow Advanced Materials businesses – Dow Coating Materials (DCM), Dow Building & Construction (DB&C), and Dow Adhesives & Functional Polymers (AFP).

"Growing demand for our polymers from global and local paint and coating manufacturers located in Vietnam was the primary driver for building the new plant," said Yoke Loon Lim, general manager, Southeast Asia, Dow Advanced Materials. "More than 90 percent of our capacity will be sold to Vietnam-based customers, the majority of which are multi-national companies."

Paint and coatings customers use DCM acrylic and styrene-acrylic based specialty polymers as binders, rheology modifiers, and other additives for the development of a wide range of architectural and industrial products. DB&C customers use related specialty polymers to produce a wide range of products, such as specialty cements, concrete sealers and construction adhesives, caulks and sealants. Dow AFP customers include Vietnam-based food and beverage packagers, textile companies, and home and personal care manufacturers.

"The new acrylics plant in Vietnam is part of our ongoing, tailored and flexible expansion strategy in Asia," said Bruce Hoechner, vice president, regional director, Asia Pacific, Advanced Materials Division and general manager, Asia Pacific, Dow Coating Materials. "We have designed the new plant in order to provide in-region support to our customers and offer them the customized solutions they need."
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