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Hainsworth acquires huge order for specialist surface cloth from China

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-11-17 09:08:23  来源:Fibre2fashion News Desk-India 收藏

Hainsworth - the notable textile company from West Yorkshire, which specializes in the production of specialist surface cloth, has secured an order of£1 million from China. There is a growing demand for snooker and pool baize as well as felt for piano makers from the flourishing leisure industries of China.

Hainsworth is one of the oldest textile companies of the world that was started way back in 1783. The company leads the market in innovating specialist table covering and it provides the highest quality surface cloth which is well recognized in sports. It is also expected to be the only provider of snooker cloth for all the upcoming Power Snooker events throughout the world.

According to the Director - Adam Hainsworth, both snooker and pool are growing rapidly in China and they together contribute 40 percent of the company's cue sports cloth sales. China purchases specialist sports cloth from Hainsworth because of its world-class quality. Chinese piano makers too have been recommending the felt manufactured by Hainsworth in order to meet the global standards.

The company has been providing baize and felt to China since the last 25 years and currently, is in a position to take advantage of the low freight costs by making use of the incoming containers from China to send the goods back to the consumers in Far East.

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文章关键词: Hainsworth  specialist surface cloth 


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