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Tokyo-based company enters JV with Hong Kong firm (Hong Kong)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-11-18 08:14:00  来源:Fibre2fashion News Desk-India 收藏

Samantha Thavasa Japan Ltd., which is a women’s handbag and accessories manufacturer, stated that it has established an undertaking in Hong Kong. The manufacturer had entered a joint venture with a local investment company in order to widen its operations in Asia.

Samantha Thavasa China Ltd made use of HK$2 million (around $258,000). 51 percent of the company’s share is owned by the Japanese firm and 49 percent of the share is owned by House of Fame Ltd. The undertaking is likely to start its operations from December.

The Tokyo-based company has been speeding up its endeavors to enhance its operations in Asia. It had already entered the markets in Taiwan as well as Singapore in the beginning of this year. It expects to launch and expand its stores in Hong Kong and in Chinese mainland, by setting up the Hong Kong joint venture.

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