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Intertextile Beijing Apparel Fabrics confirms dates for 2011

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-11-19 08:37:11  来源:Messe Frankfurt 收藏

Intertextile Beijing Apparel Fabrics confirms to take place from 30 March – 1 April 2011, and coincides with Yarn Expo Spring. The business platform offers face-to-face opportunity for apparel fabrics and textile products related suppliers to access and influence high value Chinese menswear brands.

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Limited will organize the fair.

Last year, 24,373 trade visitors from 73 countries and regions attended the show, including key buyers from some of China’s largest apparel related manufacturing areas such as Shandong, Jiangsu, Hubei, Hebei and Henan. Among these buyers were leading Chinese brands: K-boxing, a menswear brand focusing on jacket manufacturing; Peacebird, a clothing brand producing both men’s and women’s wear; Septwolves, one of China’s most popular menswear brands; and Youngor, a menswear brand manufacturing suitings, shirtings and casual wear.

According to the China Economic Monitoring Centre, textile and clothing exports in China increased by approximately 32 percent on a year-on-year basis for the first half of 2010, while the demand for clothing commodities in the domestic market between January and May 2010 grew by 23.1 as compared with the same period last year. In all, the clothing industry in China is expected to maintain an upward tendency in the second half of the year and continue into 2011. This positive outlook, presents broader market opportunities, especially for suppliers that give priority to the domestic market.

“China’s consumer purchasing power is getting stronger and stronger, and it is now the third largest apparel consuming market in the world” said Ms Wendy Wen, Director Trade Fairs for Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. “The region’s massive market potential together with Messe Frankfurt’s world-wide network of textile expertise, truly make the Intertextile brand one of the best business solutions for small and medium sized suppliers of all kinds of fabrics wishing to expand in China.”

Intertextile Beijing Apparel Fabrics takes place during the region’s hottest fashion seasons and runs concurrently with China International Clothing and Accessories Fair (CHIC) from 28 – 31 March 2011 as well as Yarn Expo Spring from 31 March – 2 April 2011. Free shuttle bus services will be provided for all three events.

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文章关键词: Intertextile Beijing  Apparel Fabric 


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