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Zungui Haixi as Top 100 Most Valuable Sports Brand

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-11-26 10:22:22  来源:Zungui Haixi Corporation 收藏
Zungui Haixi Corporation, a China-based manufacturer of sportswear and casual footwear, announced that the Company has been awarded the “Top Most Valuable Sports Brand in China” by the China Economic Business Association, China Brands Value Institute, and Selling and Marketing Magazine. With the brand valued at RMB 2.31 billion (C$355.5 million), Zungui was ranked No. 30 out of 100 sports brands across China. The list was published in China and was awarded based on Zungui’s strong brand recognition in its markets.

“This award recognizes that we have earned the trust of Chinese consumers for manufacturing a quality brand product,” said Mr. Yanda Cai, Chief Executive Officer. “Building brand-awareness is part of Zungui’s three-pronged growth strategy and this award demonstrates our progress in achieving brand prominence in China.”

Zungui Haixi Corporation, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, is engaged in the manufacture and sale of athletic footwear, apparel and accessories, and also casual footwear, in the People’s Republic of China. Both product lines are marketed under the ZUNGUI brand. Zungui Haixi distributes its products to consumers throughout China through an extensive network of retail outlets which exclusively carry ZUNGUI branded products. There are 62,259,500 common shares issued and outstanding.
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