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RadiciGroup introduces yarn made from Ingeo

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-11-29 09:33:44  来源:CTEI 收藏
RadiciGroup is to introduce CornLeaf, a 100% biodegradable solution-dyed continuous yarn. Produced by Noyfil SA, the yarn is made from Ingeo, a polylactic acid (PLA) polymer derived from renewable vegetable resources.

Compared to traditional dyeing and finishing processes, the manufacturing of CornLeaf requires less water and energy consumption as solution dyeing technology is integrated into the spinning process.

The yarn is bacteriostatic, which is achieved by incorporating a special silver based micro-compound into the yarn as an antimicrobial agent. CornLeaf's bacteriostatic functionality is ISO certified and is obtained using HEIQ materials. The introduction of the antimicrobial agent does not compromise the ability of the PLA biopolymer to compost.

CornLeaf is said to be lighter than other natural fibres, with tenacity comparable to synthetic fibres. According to RadiciGroup, the yarn also has greater hygroscopicity compared to synthetic yarns and is faster drying than natural fibres. CornLeaf has a low flammability, does not emit toxic fumes and is UV resistant.

RadiciGroup's yarn is available in a range of lightfast, wash-resistant colours intended for use in intimatewear, furnishings and consumer.
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文章关键词: RadiciGroup  CornLeaf  yarn  PLA 


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