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Karl Mayer develops new creel

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-11-29 09:52:21  来源:Inteletex 收藏

Karl Mayer has developed a new transverse draw-off creel for lace machines, intended to enable yarn to be delivered more reliably.

Unlike the original JL 59/1 and JL 42/1 models which carried a maximum of 288 bobbins in 12 tiers and 24 rows, the new creel arrangement provides space for 360 bobbins �� 20 horizontal and 18 vertical. Increasing the creel to 18 tiers will accommodate the trend towards having more string bars on lace machines, said Karl Mayer, as one string bar is normally allocated to each creel line.

The 18 x 20 bobbin arrangement, which corresponds to normal repeat widths, is to said to save space and reduces the machine peripherals. Despite increased capacity, Karl Mayer's lace machine meets normal bobbin dimensions, with a diameter of 135mm and length of 250mm.

The wound bobbins are positioned in rows in a staggered arrangement, meaning every second position in every row is unoccupied. The effect of this positioning is said to produce a specific loading configuration, with six packages arranged around a circular doffing area.

To ensure accessibility, the yarn tensioning elements are located on short struts instead of continuous rails. According to Karl Mayer, the space gained simplifies handling and enables circular ballooning limiters to be used to increase processing efficiency.
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文章关键词: Karl Mayer  creel 


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