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Outdoor Products Take Bigger Market Shares

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-12-01 10:14:26  来源:CTEI 收藏

In recent years, with the rapid growth of people's income there is also the growing pressure in all aspects of society, especially in large cities. Pressure in work, life, environment and other aspects makes more consumers increasingly desire clean, comfortable and quiet nature. Thus driving the mountain climbing, hiking, camping and other outdoor sports development, this further increase consumer demand for outdoor sports products, such as climbing shoes, Jackets, winter clothes and other products. The sales of those products show significant improvement, mainly in two aspects:

First, outdoor brands take a bigger market share than ever before. According to the statistics of China National Commerce Information Center, in the top 20 sports wear brands in Sep. 2009, there were two outdoor brands, Columbia and the North Face, which took 2.14% of the market share. While in Sep. 2010, there were four outdoor brands listed in the top 20, as Camel, Columbia, The North Face and Toread, taking 4.97% of the market share. While in the sports shoes market, outdoor brands Camel and Columbia also ranked in top 20. Their market shares increased 0.37 percentage point from the same period last year.

Second, the domestic brands make quick growth and take more market shares. In last September, the outdoor wear brands in top 20 sports wear brands came from foreign countries. But this year, domestic brand Toread entered the top 20 list. Based on the latest data, Toread's share in sports wear market raised 0.3 percentage points in September year over year. It also gained 0.16 percentage points higher in the sports shoes' market.

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