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Textile export promotion generates US $40 million worth business prospects (Taiwan)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-12-03 09:36:31  来源:Fibre2fashion News Desk-India 收藏
The Taiwan Textile Federation (TTF), which was assigned the duty to implement the Ministry of Economic Affairs' (MOEA) Bureau of Foreign Trade’s “Textile Export Promotion Plan”, recently revealed that the plan has generated around US $40 million worth of business opportunities since its inception in July 2008.

In the initial two years of the four year plan, TTF has efficiently accomplished the first two stages of the plan. In the first stage, which continued from 2008-09, TTF successfully penetrated in the US and Europe’s finished goods market, and also brought the Southeast Asian producers under its aegis.

The second stage, which commenced in 2010, was the extension of the first stage. It integrated the expansion of the MOEA’s plan of marketing superior Taiwanese goods in upcoming markets. It also incorporated the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) that China and Taiwan has inked in June, this year, and has thus generated excellent results in expanding Taiwan’s market in India and China.

Further, as the third stage of the plan is likely to commence soon, the TTF through an announcement made recently, called upon the businesses to apply for participation. The businesses may file their application for participation by December 17. Also, the TTF had convened a meeting in Tainan recently, to explain the plan.
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文章关键词: export promotion  Taiwan Textile Federation  TTF 


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