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British Wool Market Report (British)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-12-03 10:09:33  来源:British Wool Marketing Board 收藏
The British Wool Marketing Board offered 1,597,099kgs of wool for sale by auction earlier today.

With good competition for for all types with the exception of Welsh grades it resulted in a clearance of 87%. Excluding the Welsh wool it would have been 96% sold.

Compared with the last time sold;

Pick and Supers 2% Dearer, others Firm
Halfbred Hogs 2% Dearer, other Halfbreds Firm
Cross Hogs 2% Dearer, other Crosses Buyers Favour
Radnors Buyers Favour
Selected Welsh Firm, Cast and Red Kempy Welsh up to 3% Cheaper
Swaledale Firm

The Campaign for Wool continues to develop and with international launches being planned it is an exciting time for British wool industry. It was good to hear that several designers and high end retailers are already looking to book next year’s wool ranges, despite higher prices. If the carpet and interiors sectors follow suit it will be a major achievement. Recent economic forecasts in several countries have suggested that growth could be a little stronger than previously thought - with very little stock of wool, yarn and finished products in the pipeline a small increase in demand could lead to continued firm prices.
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文章关键词: wool price  British Wool Market 


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