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China has created 7 well-known chemical cities or towns

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-12-09 09:19:17  来源:chh 收藏
China's chemical fiber industry began a rapid development with the economy, after China’s opening up and reform, chemical fiber production achieved 27.26 million tons in 2009, nearly accounting for 60 percent of world total output; total amount of China's chemical fiber processing accounts for 70 percent of China's total textile fiber processing, which effectively promotes and supports the development of China textile industry and related industries, which also includes an important role of textile industry clusters.

China Textile Industry Association started its experimental work of building textile industry clusters in 2002, up to present, China has built 164 textile industry bases in pilot regions, among which, and China has created 7 well-known chemical cities or towns. They are Yaqian Town, Xiaoshan, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province; Zhouquan Town,Tongxiang City; MaAn Town, Shaoxing County; Zhouzhuang Town, Jiangyin City,Jiangsu Province; Xinjian Town,Yixing City; Huang Jing Town, Taicang City; Xiinhui District, Jiangmen City,Guangdong Province.

This seven clusters possess 796 large-scale enterprises, their main business income is of 138.2 billion Yuan, accounting for more than 40 percent of the income of total chemical fiber industry in 2009, among them 120 enterprise have their main business income over 100 million, chemical fiber production of the 7 clusters is nearly 8 million tons, accounting for nearly 30 percent of China's total fiber output. Their products are sold in domestic market as well as to Europe, America, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Central and South America, Africa and other regions.

Chemical fiber industry, as nearly 60 percent of world's chemical fiber, accounts for two thirds of total textile processing, plays a very important and irreplaceable role in textile industry's adjustment, upgrading, enhancing industrial competitiveness, promoting international focused advantage and building world's textile power.
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文章关键词: chemical fiber  chemical city  chemical town 


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