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Outlast Develops First Heat Management Polyester Fiber

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-12-15 10:15:29  来源:PRLog 收藏
Outlast Technologies, leader in heat management and moisture reduction technology, announces the introduction of Outlast® polyester fiber. After extensive research and development, Outlast has succeeded in creating the first-ever heat management polyester fibers extending the range of applications and markets in which the technology can be used.

The newest member of the Outlast fiber family is a bi-component fiber with a phase change material (PCM) core and polyester sheath. Other Outlast fibers include Outlast® viscose and Outlast® acrylic with PCM. Staple fibers of the polyester will launch in the market first, followed by filament fibers.

"Outlast is a leading R&D company in the PCM industry and the launch of Outlast® polyester fiber demonstrates our commitment to innovation," says Greg Roda, president and CEO of Outlast Technologies. "Outlast® viscose and Outlast® acrylic have seen great success and this new polyester fiber allows Outlast® technology to infiltrate the functional apparel market, leading to company growth on a global level."

Outlast® polyester features the unique added value of heat management with the same characteristics of other polyester fibers: low moisture absorption, ability to transport moisture, improved wrinkle resistance, water and wind resistance as well as high tearing and abrasion resistance. Outlast® polyester is perfectly suited for functional apparel and other applications worn next to skin including t-shirts, socks, base layers, athletic wear and underwear—all offering superior comfort.

Staple fibers of Outlast® polyester will debut at Outdoor Retailer Winter Market: January 20-23, 2011, at Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Outlast Technologies, Inc., a privately held U.S. corporation, is the worldwide leader in phase change materials and applications. Outlast® technology is the heat management technology originally developed for NASA that enables any textile to absorb, store and release heat. Outlast® technology pro-actively responds to changes in skin temperature to manage heat and reduce moisture for everyday comfort. For over 20 years, Outlast has been committed to the development of new fibers, fabrics and coatings incorporating phase change materials, expanding the use of Outlast® technology across more than 200 brands and a multitude of products in apparel, footwear, bedding, packaging and labels and accessories. For more information, please visit www.outlast.com.
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