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Import Tariff of Man-made Fibers and Feedstocks in 2010

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-12-17 09:02:58  来源:CCFGroup 收藏
The import tariff for fuel oil will be raised to 3 percent and bumped to 6 percent for jet fuel next year, an increase by the Chinese government of 1 percent for both products that could influence domestic oil prices. China will also cut a number of import tariffs to meet its World Trade Organization (WTO) commitment it made upon joining the organization in 2001 as it strives to restructure its economy.

China's overall import tariff level would be reduced to 9.8 percent next year, with that of agricultural products cut to 15.2 percent on average and industrial products to 8.9 percent.

The import tariff of man-made fiber and its feedstocks in 2010 are as follows.
  Product 2009(%) MFN tariff(%) 2010(%) MFN tariff(%)
1 Naphtha 1* 6 1* 6
2 Benzene 2   2  
3 Tuluene 2   2  
4 OX 2   2  
5 MX 2   2  
6 PX 2 Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Myanmar, Indonesia, Brunei, New Zealand and Chile: 0 2 Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Myanmar, Indonesia, Brunei, New Zealand and Chile: 0
Pakistan: 0.5 Pakistan: 0.5
7 Ethylene 0* 2 2  
8 Styrene 2   2  
9 PTA/QTA 6.5 ASEAN countries:5 6.5 ASEAN countries:5
10 MEG 5.5   5.5  
11 DEG 3.5*   3.5*  
12 PET chip with high viscosity 6.5   6.5  
13 Other PET chip 6.5   6.5  
14 Recycled bottle flake 6.5   6.5  
15 Polyester filament yarn and staple fiber 5 APTA 4.3-4.9 5 APTA 4.3-4.9
16 AH salt 3* 6.5 6.5 no iterim tariff yet
17 CPL 5* 9 7* 9
18 Nylon 6,66 chip   6.5 6.5  
19 Nylon 6,66 cord fabric   10 10  
20 Nylon filament yarn and staple fiber 5   5  
21 Pure MDI 6.5   6.5  
22 PTMEG 3* 6.5 3* 6.5
23 TPU   6.5   6.5
24 Spandex 5   5  
25 Dissolving pulp   0 0  
26 Viscose filament yarn and staple fiber   5 5  
27 Bamboo fiber   5 5  
28 Propylene 1* 2 1* 2
29 Prolypropylene 3* 6.5 6.5  
30 Prolypropylene yarn and fiber 5   5  
31 ACN 3* 6.5 6.5  
32 Acrylic fiber 5 APTA member 4.5 5 APTA member 4.5
  * Interim tariff    

The Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (formerly known as Bangkok Agreement), which was signed in November 2005 by the member countries, has 6 members including India, China, Korea, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Lao.

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文章关键词: Import Tariff  Man-made Fiber  Feedstock 


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