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Nylon Filament Yarn Market Weekly (Dec 13-17, 2010)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-12-20 09:14:47  来源:CCFGroup 收藏
Spot Price
Description (yuan/mt) 10-Dec 17-Dec Weekly average price Trend
POY86Dtex/24F Lower-grade 27800-28200 27700-28200 27950
Medium-grade 29500-30000 29500-30000 29700
Higher-grade 30000-31000 30000-31000 30400
DTY70D/24F Lower-grade 29800-30500 29700-30500 30100
Medium-grade 32800-33800 32500-33500 33100
Higher-grade 34000-34800 34000-34800 34300
FDY70D/24F Higher-grade 31500-32000 31500-32000 31900
Dull FDY40D/34F 36000-37000 36000-37000 36250
Plant Operation in Mainland China
Operating rate (%)   Last week This week
POY 85 85
DTY 88 88
FDY 94 94
Textile mills 70 70
Inventory POY Low Low
DTY Low Low
FDY Low Low
Market Roundup
As CPL kept rising this week, the confidence of nylon 6 filament yarn producers strengthened up and prices tended stable later after small decreases early this week. The CCF Price Index of semi-dull FDY70D/24F, semi-dull DTY70D/24F and POY86Dtex/24F were pegged at 31900, 32900 and 29500yuan/mt. The CCF NFY O/R Index ruled stable at 92%. NFY sales ratio in the majority of plants kept balanced as plants still have orders to fill while some plants who have completed orders saw rising inventory. NFY inventory index inched up to 12 days.

Higher-grade POY86Dtex/24F was traded at 29500-31000yuan/mt and lower-grade cargos at 27800-28200yuan/mt with some brands lower.

Trading prices of Semi-dull FDY70D/24F for jet spinning kept stable at 31500-32000yuan/mt but new deals were scarce due to quiet demand. Semi-dull FDY70D/24F for warping weaving was traded steadily at 32000-34000yuan/mt with semi-dull 40D/12F at 34500-35500yuan/mt.

High-grade semi-dull DTY70D/24F was mainly traded at 34000-34500yuan/mt with a few brands required higher at above 35000yuan/mt. Medium-grade cargos were traded at 32500-34000yuan/mt, mainly stable at 33000-33500yuan/mt. Selling rates of lower-grade goods were at 29500-31000yuan/mt, mainly at 30000yuan/mt.
Market Outlook
Nylon 6 filament yarn market turned weak since Mid Nov and may keep so in the short term. Plants who finished orders began to feel inventory pressure. CPL performed well this week and big plants still have ample orders so nylon 6 filament yarn may consolidate or dip a bit next week. CPL, product inventory and capital status are major influential factors.
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