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Viscose Fiber Market Weekly (Dec 13-17, 2010)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-12-20 09:42:17  来源:CCFGroup 收藏
CCF Price
Product 10-Dec-10 17-Dec-10 Change Weekly average Trend
VSF 1.5D*38mm (Yuan/mt) 26500 24800 -6.42% 25542
VSF 1.2D*38mm (Yuan/mt) 27200 25500 -6.25% 26000
Rayon yarn 30S (from China Yarn Index, Yuan/mt) 31100 29800 -4.18% 30240
Bright VFY 120D (Yuan/mt) 50400 50300 -0.20% 50370
Bright VFY 300D (Yuan/mt) 42900 42500 -0.93% 42700
Plant operation
CCF Index 10-Dec-10 17-Dec-10 Change Weekly average Trend
VSF operating rate (%) 78 78 0 78
VSF inventory (day) 18 22 +4 21
VFY operating rate (%) 88 88 0 88
VFY inventory (day) 20 22 +2 21
Viscose Staple Fiber
VSF Market Roundup
VSF market showed soft appearance this week. Talked prices were a bit mixed and the prevailing selling idea for VSF 1.5D fell to 25000yuan/mt. After a few plants released monthly settlement price at that level, downstream plants started to take offers and there was a relative balance between sales and production. Most plants did not give definite offers and discounts were not as favorable as before. Prices for a few big deals were still falling as the lower traded price was 24000yuan/mt or rumored even lower.
Rayon Yarn Market Review
Rayon yarn prices continued to tumble substantially with limited new orders and plants were active to sell goods at lower prices. Therefore, the price gap between offers and traded prices enlarged further. The market prices of R30S for knitting were at 30500-31000yuan/mt while transaction prices were at 29500yuan/mt, even 28000yuan/mt. The offers of R30S for weaving were at 29000-29500yuan/mt while transaction prices were at 28000-28500yuan/mt, pre-tax. Downstream weavers with less confidence remained reluctant to purchase, so most of them held a wait-and-see stance.
VFY Price
Market Outlook
The downtrend of VSF slows down after rapid decline before. Sporadic big deals prop up the market to some extent and the sales ratio climbs up stimulated by monthly settlement system. However, there is still no high enthusiasm, so the market is predicted to keep weak amid minor changes next week. The industry meeting to open next week can attract attention.
Viscose Filament Yarn
Market Roundup
VFY market weakened slightly with slipping trading volume. The market was covered with a wait-and-see stance so VFY producers saw dull sales. They quoted first-second and third-grade bright VFY 120D at 54000yuan/mt, 53000yuan/mt and 52000-53000yuan/mt, respectively. Bright VFY 300D was offered at 42000-46000yuan/mt with small discounts available in big deals. On the market, first, second and third-grade bright VFY 120D was offered at 52000-54000yuan/mt, 51000-53000yuan/mt and 50000-52000yuan/mt, respectively, but not many takers appeared in slack season.
VSF Price
Market Outlook
Downstream plants with tight capital and bearish sentiment towards the outlook around year-end purchase cautiously, so the inventory of traders and plants increase, which leads to weak sales. The market is expected to be quiet next week if there is no bullish news.
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