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Acrylonitrile Market Weekly (Dec 13-17, 2010)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-12-21 09:56:38  来源:CCFGroup 收藏
CCF Price
Spot   10-Dec 17-Dec Price Pressure
Propylene FOB Korea ($/mt) 1241 1240
ACN China market (yuan/mt cash, ex-ship) 19500 19500
USD market ($/mt CFR Asia) 2280 2300
Contract   Nov Dec Jan
ACN Asahi Kasei ($/mt CFR Asia) 2250 2280 2320
Sinopec (yuan/mt, ex-works) 19000 19400  
Operating rate 86%
Inventory Ports Low Downstream plants Low
Market Roundup
ACN market firmed high this week. Transactions were limited, with mainstream trading level at 19500yuan/mt, ex-tanks.

In earlier week, traders mostly focused on selling Jan-Feb deliveries. Downstream purchasing interest was dull and trades were rare. From Tuesday to Thursday, enquires weakened due to weather factor and trades were dull. On Friday, as weather turned better, ship cargoes were unloaded and downstream actively picked up cargoes purchased previously. However, spot availabilities did not increase much as most of the ship cargoes have been ordered in advance. In Shandong, supplies from northern plants were few due to transportation problem. Prices held stable at 19500-19600yuan/mt. In Jiangsu/Zhejiang, transactions were affected by snow and prices stayed at 19600-19700yuan/mt.

Asahi Kesai announced Jan ACN contract at $2320/mt CFR FE Asia. Off-shore cargoes basically kept stable, with CFR FE prices at $2280/mt. In US market, downstream demand remained strong while prices were stable. US-origin cargoes were offered at $2300-2350/mt, ex-ship at the ports of East China where traders were hesitant in purchasing. In Europe, spot prices continued their ascent.

China ACN producers kept offers stable this week. Sales kept at a normal level. Shanghai PC and Anqing PC offered at 19400yuan/mt. Jilin PC offered at 19000yuan/mt. Fushun PC offered at 19200yuan/mt. As demands from fiber and ABS markets were still high, sales in contract terms kept stable, thus plants only provided a small amount to the spot market. Actual trading level of northern plants were flat at 18700-18900yuan/mt. Plants were not inclined to adjust offers in the short run.
Spot supply does not increase much and demand stays stable, thus prices may continue to be flat.
ACN Price Trend
price trend
ACN Plant Operating Rates
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