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PTA Market Weekly (Dec 13-17 2010)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-12-21 10:05:28  来源:CCFGroup 收藏
Spot   13-Dec 17-Dec Weekly Average Trend
PX FOB Korea 1362.5 1358.5 1360.2
CFR China/Taiwan 1377.5 1373.5 1375.2
PTA China domestic market    (Yuan/mt cash, ex-ship) 9420 9420 9414
Tawan origin ($/mt CIF China L/C 90 days) 1175 1175 1176.6
Korea origin ($/mt CIF China L/C 90 days) 1160 1162 1162.8
Contract   Sep Oct Nov Dec
PX Asia ($/mt CFR Asia) 950 1025 1220 1275
Sinopec (Yuan/mt, delivery) Offer 7600 8800 10200 10200
Settlement 7900 9600 10150 N/A
PTA Foreign producers ($/mt CIF China L/C 90 days) 910 1020-1025 N/A N/A
Sinopec (Yuan/mt, delivery) Offer 7600 8400 10200 9900
Settlement 7700 8600 9900 N/A
Imports(kt) August 550.5 September 610.3 October 489.85
Operating rate (%)   Nov 10-Dec 17-Dec
PTA plant 90.5 93.5 93.5
Polyester plant 84.7 84 82
PTA Inventory PTA plant 0-4 days Polyester plant 10-25 days
Market Roundup
PTA market opened in a bullish note with prices up and then gradually stabilized. The transaction was still in deadlock.

Nov economic data was released last weekend and the central bank raised reserve ratio, not the interest rate, which was better than the market expectation. In early week, both stock and commodity futures market rebounded. The spot market also revived. In China domestic market, the prices soon increased to 9400-9450yuan/mt. In import market, most suppliers were reluctant to offer with few at $1180-1200/mt. The prevailing traded prices were pegged at $1175-1180/mt. The deals concluded higher were among traders. Korea goods were quoted at $1170/mt and traded at $1160/mt.

PTA market fluctuated at high in latter half of the week. The polyester producers showed little interest in chasing up due to sluggish sales, but the market prices were still maintained supported by the buying activities of traders. Taiwan origin goods were transacted at $1175-1180/mt and Korea goods were at $1160-1165/mt with some bonded goods at $1170/mt.
MX and PX
PTA market will still be in dilemma in the short term. On the one hand, some traders began to prepare for next year in anticipation of tight supply; on the other hand, the downstream producers remained cautious as the macroeconomic policy is still not clear and the sales of polyester products were dull recently.
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