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First Quality plans for nonwoven manufacturing facility

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-12-23 13:46:06  来源:First Quality Nonwovens Inc 收藏
First Quality Nonwovens Inc is pleased to announce its plans to build a nonwoven manufacturing facility in China to primarily supply the Chinese domestic market and Asia.

The initial plans for the new facility call for two state-of-the-art nonwoven machines. The first line—scheduled to start production in 2012—will be a multi-beam Reifenhauser machine incorporating the latest technology enabling First Quality to provide premium nonwoven material to the hygiene and medical markets. Details on the second line will be announced in 2011.

First Quality is finalizing its site selection decision among three alternative strategic locations in China and expects to announce its final selection in the first quarter of 2011.

This investment is another demonstration of First Quality's commitment and dedication in maintaining its leadership position in the nonwovens industry globally; satisfying the desires and demands of the market by providing innovative and high quality products manufactured utilizing the most updated technology.

First Quality has become a diversified family of companies manufacturing Adult Incontinence Products, Feminine Hygiene Products (tampons), Non-woven Roll Goods, Baby Wipes, Adult Washcloths and Consumer Paper Product serving institutional and retail markets throughout the world.
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