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Acrylic Yarn Import of China in November 2010

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-12-24 09:48:41  来源:CCFGroup 收藏
Yarn of acrylic staple fib mixed with wool or fine animal hair, not put up for retail sales, nes imports in November 2010(HS Code: 55096100)
Origin Quantity (kg) Value (USD)
China 108729 375157
Japan 4406 122728
Italy 4515 58977
Taiwan 18587 57037
Indonesia 2587 22480
South Korea 1395 17047
Macau 190 646
Bulgaria 15 367
Total 140424 654439
Yarn of acrylic staple fib mixed with cotton, not put up for retail sales, nes imports in November 2010 (HS Code: 55096200)
Origin Quantity (kg) Value (USD)
China 276255 870390
Japan 4736 73230
Hong Kong 3336 22375
South Korea 1889 14425
Italy 263 5268
Germany 24 351
Total 286503 986039
Other yarn of acrylic staple fib, not put up for retail sales, nes imports in November 2010 (HS Code: 55096900)
Origin Quantity (kg) Value (USD)
Indonesia 176913 1529474
Thailand 60762 538938
Japan 18420 203085
China 43303 152852
Taiwan 13053 46577
Italy 2753 38551
Total 315204 2509477
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文章关键词: Acrylic Yarn  Imports of China 


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