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Acrylic Yarn Export of China in November 2010

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-12-24 09:49:26  来源:CCFGroup 收藏
Yarn of acrylic staple fib mixed with wool or fine animal hair, not put up for retail sales, nes exports in November 2010 (HS Code: 55096100)
Destination Quantity (kg) Value (USD)
South Korea 250306 1784472
Hong Kong 128278 965363
Bangladesh 69598 284824
Japan 27839 199075
Vietnam 6412 54802
Cambodia 8535 40219
Macau 4380 19589
Thailand 1050 8748
Australia 523 5910
North Korea 910 4648
Russia 349 3867
US 390 3689
Senegal 480 2226
Total 499050 3377432
Yarn of acrylic staple fib mixed with cotton, not put up for retail sales, nes exports in November 2010 (HS Code: 55096200)
Destination Quantity (kg) Value (USD)
Hong Kong 536276 2937289
Bangladesh 523648 2133561
Malaysia 53582 205068
Thailand 17882 149964
Vietnam 13996 107339
Japan 7580 73370
Spain 11373 69694
South Korea 9606 54285
France 6701 49165
North Korea 1959 11754
Canada 653 4247
Macau 270 2269
Italy 19 742
Total 1183545 5798747
Other yarn of acrylic staple fib, not put up for retail sales, nes exports in November 2010 (HS Code: 55096900)
Destination Quantity (kg) Value (USD)
South Korea 725274 3738413
Bangladesh 174280 869404
Hong Kong 96092 704677
Vietnam 83343 385774
US 48661 371812
Thailand 42527 346436
Mexico 26174 161632
Burma 26136 91528
Indonesia 13607 87072
Argentina 9962 82925
Senegal 10203 51116
Turkey 9776 45152
Madagascar 5811 44628
South Africa 4667 33304
kirghizia 8800 26400
Taiwan 12511 22284
Japan 3148 15030
Guatemala 1911 12850
Russia 1076 9473
Australia 950 7543
New Zealand 59 1117
Cambodia 143 333
Total 1305111 7108903
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