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BabyLegs recalls baby socks & leg warmers

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-12-27 08:43:30  来源:U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission 收藏
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Health Canada, in cooperation with the firm named below, announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.

Name of Product: Baby leg warmers and socks

Units: About 4,500

Distributor: BabyUnited LLC dba BabyLegs of Seattle, Wash.

Hazard: The leg warmers and socks have a heart appliqu�� that can detach, posing a choking hazard to small children.

Incidents/Injuries: The firm has received one report of an infant choking on the heart-shaped applique. Her mother was able to dislodge the applique from her throat. No medical attention was required.

Description: This recall involves only those BabyLegs brand leg warmers, ankle-high socks and knee-high socks adorned with a heart-shape applique. The recalled products are pink, white or purple cable knit socks and leg warmers.

Sold at: www.babylegs.com and independent retailers from August 2010 to November 2010 for about $11 per pair.

Manufactured in: China

Remedy: Consumers should immediately take the recalled socks and leg warmers away from children. Consumers can remove and discard the heart applique to eliminate the hazard or contact BabyLegs to receive a full refund or a coupon to be redeemed on the BabyLegs website.
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文章关键词: BabyLegs  recall  baby sock  baby leg warmer 


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