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Robust domestic market to support China' s growth in five years

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-12-28 09:31:13  来源:Xinhua 收藏
A robust domestic market, an increasingly competitive technological edge, a vibrant economic structure and a stable society will continue to provide strong support for China's growth in the next five years, a senior official said on Saturday.

In the next five years, China will proceed with the development of its industrialization, information, urbanization and market economy while the global environment will be generally favorable to China's peaceful development, said Zhu Zhixin, vice director of the National Development and Reform commission, or China's top economic planning body.

However, China is still challenged by problems in pursuing a balanced, coordinated and sustainable development, he said at a lecture attended by members of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), or the top legislature.

The lecture, which was held in the Great Hall of the People, was presided over by Wu Bangguo, Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee.
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