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CNCotton Daily Price (29 Dec 2010)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-12-30 09:05:42  来源:ChinaTexnet 收藏
Cotton Price  Quotes  Change  
CNCotton A 28463 6
CNCotton B 27723 19
SCE CA11014 27770 50
CZCE CF 1101 28140 -20
CNCE MA 1101 27706 50
International Cotton Index(SM) 176.23 -206
International Cotton Index(M) 175.05 -219
Unit: Yuan per Ton; Cent per Pound

Import prices were generally lower, but Australian and Brazilian styles firmed up.

Some large mills are preparing to extend coverage before holidays, but actual offtake decreased from normal years. Smaller mills are also buying in a piecemeal pattern. Overall, the industry is bullish on post-holiday market. The slowly improving demand is limited by higher stock, financial pressure and sluggish downstream market. Today, physical price continued to press higher.

ZCE cotton futures moved quickly lower after opening but rebounded slightly towards closing. The market is basically quiet before holiday. While many mills are bullish on market, near term demand should be limited. Futures price is likely to consolidate in the last trading days of the year.

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