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Taizhou,Jiangsu: Enthusiasm of textile mills for procuring cotton is not high

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-12-30 09:33:17  来源:CNCotton 收藏

Recently, Zhengzhou futures cotton price and e-forward price have continued fluctuation trend, the quotation on spot lint cotton market in Taizhou of Jiangsu Province has kept stable, but there is no transaction with price existed only, it is mainly because that the end of the year is coming, the number of order lists in fabric plants is small, the sale of finished products in textile mills is not ideal, the enthusiasm for procuring lint cotton is not high.

It is reflected by local textile mills, the Spring Festival is coming, the textile mills are urgent to withdrawal fund, at the same time, in order to avoid the continuous increase of yarn storage, they began to sell cotton yarns with reduced prices. The local textile mills have introduced, at present, the quotation of JC32S is 43,500 yuan per ton, the quotation of JC40S is 45,500 yuan per ton, and the warehouse storage is large, except normal quotation, if the contract has stated clearly that it should be settled in full amount of cash or should pay prepayment, it should given around 500 yuan per ton profit concession suitably, since this preferential policy has been issued, the sales situation has got better, at present, several big contracts (over 100 ton) have been signed.

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