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Winner Medical bags Shenzhen Baoan District Quality Award

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2010-12-31 10:24:23  来源:Winner Medical Group Inc 收藏
Winner Medical Group Inc a leading manufacturer of medical dressings, medical disposables and non-woven fabric made from 100% natural PurCotton products in China, announced that it was honored to receive the Shenzhen Baoan District Quality Award from the Market Supervision Administration of Shenzhen Municipality. Winner Medical was awarded the top honor from a field of over 30 applicants, having undergone a rigorous evaluation by an independent board of examiners.

The Award recognizes Winner Medical's management team and quality, and affirms the Company is operating at a global management level and is able to compete with world-class organizations. The Award further spurs Winner Medical to continuously improve its quality, management and overall performance to enhance its competitiveness.

The Shenzhen Baoan District Quality Award is the District's highest honor for quality and organizational performance, excellence through innovation, improvement and visionary leadership. The evaluation of the Award is based on the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria (or 'Baldrige Performance Excellence Program') in seven key categories: leadership, strategic planning, customer focus, measurement, analysis and knowledge management, workforce focus, process management and results.

The Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence not only provides a systems perspective for understanding performance management, but most importantly, it offers excellent and integral tools to self-assess and compare with applicants' benchmarks to achieve sustainable development.
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