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Procurement of sale of plus material is still in deadlock, the market demand of grey spun rayon cloth warms up

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-01-04 09:11:18  来源:cncotton 收藏

Recently, the plus material plants have still had heavy pressure for production and sale. It is learnt from the plants in Huzhou of Zhejiang Province, Binzhou of Shandong Province and Jiangyin of Jiangsu Province, Xingtai of Hebei Province and Guangzhou of Guangdong Province etc, at present, most of plants have a moderate machine starting rate, but the market is slack, the small number of order lists can not vitalize sales volume, so as to cause that the storage volume has increased gradually, the traders are still mainly waiting and seeing, most of them have prepared goods in small volume. On the whole, the procurement and sale of plus materials have still been in deadlock. Since the production and sale has no obvious change, the cotton made plus material price has entirely continued weak status, but impacted by differences of warehouse storage volume, fund strength, operational scales as well as produced varieties, the plus materials have different quotations, wherein, the quotation of dyed plus material C20S×16S 128×60 58" produced in Shandong is at 18.0 yuan per meter, the quotation of dyed plus material C40S×40S 133×72 58" produced in Jiangsu is at around 12.8 yuan per meter.

Furthermore, supported by market demand and vitalized by upstream viscose polyester staple, recently, the rise trend on grey spun rayon cloth market is very obvious, a part of enterprises have risen the quotation. At present, the mainstream price of 1.5D*38mm viscose staple is at 25,000-25,500 yuan per ton, the sales situation has got better. The market price of rayon yarn has a trend for going up stiffly, R30S machine knitted yarn from Zhejiang has a quotation at around 29,000 yuan per ton, the compact R30S machine woven yarn has a quotation at around 30,000 yuan per ton. At present, the higher quotation of R30S×R30S 68×68 1/1 63" grey spun rayon plain cloth (plain edge) has risen to 11.0 yuan per meter, compared with low price in earlier period, the rise margin is at around 0.3 yuan per meter. Furthermore, the order lists of a part of compact grey spun rayon clothes have also increased, the price is relatively stiff, the quotation of grey spun rayon delaine R60S×R60S 90×88 1/1 65" (whiff) produced in Shaanxi, Hubei and Shandong Provinces is at 8.8-9.0 yuan per meter, a few enterprises have arranged the order lists to the days after the Spring Festival.

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