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China PET Bottle Chip Market Daily (26 Jan 2011)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-01-27 08:41:53  来源:CCFGroup 收藏
CCF PET Chip Prices
Soda PET bottle-chip, by cash, delivered 13400-13500
Hot-fill PET bottle-chip, by cash, delivered 13300-13400
Water PET bottle-chip in China, by cash, delivered 13300-13400
PET bottle-chip China export $/mt FOB  1730-1740

Polyester feedstock firmed high on Wednesday. Some bottle chip producers maintained offers flat while some suspended offers. Transactions were covered by looking-on sentiment as many clients have started holiday. Water bottle chips were mostly offered at 13300-13500yuan/mt ex-works or delivered. Trades were dull.

In export market, suppliers kept offers at $1750-1760/mt FOB CMP while talked level was at $1730-1740/mt. A small amount was sold at $1700/mt yesterday. Suppliers were mostly reluctant sellers. In Korea, major suppliers offered at $1750-1780/mt. KP Chemical reduced running rates somewhat to 80%.

Polyester feedstock is still at high level. Besides, transactions are inactive as holiday draws close. Only a few discussions were going on based on feedstock cost.


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