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Exceed recognized for 'Fitness for All' campaign

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-01-30 08:36:00  来源:Exceed Company Ltd 收藏
Exceed Company Ltd, the owner and operator of "Xidelong" brand, one of the leading domestic sportswear brands in China, announced that on January 24, 2011, at a ceremony in Beijing celebrating the "Fitness for All Campaign – Walking to 100 Universities" program, the Company received the Outstanding Contribution Award from the General Administration of Sport of China - the official name of China national sports council.

"Fitness for All Campaign – Walking to 100 Universities" was organized by the General Administration of Sport of China and was sponsored by the Company's wholly owned subsidiary, Xidelong (China) Co. Ltd. The campaign consisted of a nationwide series of events that promoted fitness for people in China as part of a healthy, active and fun lifestyle.

With strong support from Exceed, the campaign successfully reached more than 100 universities in 22 cities, including Beijing, Shenyang, Xi'an and Guangzhou. In total, participants from over 35 cities throughout China took part in the campaign, including many Olympic champions, demonstrating the growing nationwide interest in sports and fitness.

Mr. Shuipan Lin, Exceed's founder, Chairman and CEO, commented, "We are honored to be recognized for our contribution to this important campaign. Exceed has long supported efforts to raise awareness of the benefits of sports and fitness and to convince our target consumers that sports and fitness are key parts of a healthy, happy lifestyle. As such, we were proud to become the first official partner of the 'Fitness for All' campaign, and have actively supported the effort both directly with dedication from our employees and corporate donations and indirectly through our steady promotion of the concept of living a 'Sports Lifestyle.'

“We are pleased with the positive impact that the campaign has had thus far, and are proud to have the Xidelong brand name associated with this movement, which captured the attention of China's students and future leaders, nationwide. We will continue our effort to sponsor the 'Fitness for All' campaign in 2011."

Exceed Company Ltd. designs, develops and engages in wholesale of footwear, apparel and accessories under its own brand, XIDELONG, in China. Since it began operations in 2002, Exceed has targeted its growth on the consumer markets in the second and third-tier cities in China.
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