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Taiwan Textile Federation to host Happy Hour Days at ispo

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-01-30 08:47:53  来源:Taiwan Textile Federation (TTF) 收藏
Ispo is taking place from 06 till 09th of February 2011. The Happy Hour Days of Taiwan Textile Federation (TTF) are taking place on Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th of February from 14:00 to 15:00 hours on the TTF booth nr 405 in Hall C3.

During the ispo show, TTF booth will highlight not only high value-added products of Taiwan exhibitors but also the latest innovative textiles such as the lightest weight PP yarn, eco friendly fabric for soccer game at 2010 FIFA World Cup, and S.Cafe innovative application etc.

ispo 11 is not only an international platform for trends and innovations but also offers room for networking and information exchange in form of a multi-faceted, experience-oriented trade show program.

The Taiwan Textile Federation (TTF) was founded on November 25, 1975 in response to a move by the European Economic Community (EEC) to impose import quotas on textile manufacturing countries. These quotas were to be negotiated individually through diplomatic channels. However, Taiwan did not have formal diplomatic relations with the EEC, so TTF was formed with the guidance and financial support from the government and textile manufacturers to represent Taiwan¢s textile industry to negotiate with the EEC.
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