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Jane Woolrich Design announces price rise

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-02-09 09:21:04  来源:Crysalis Ltd 收藏
It was with regret that Jane Woolrich informed an imminent price increase. Jane has held the pricing on her luxury lingerie and nightwear steady for a long time, but with continually rising labour costs and a dramatic rise in the cost of silk Jane was left with no option but to advise retailers of a rise in trade cost. The increase comes into affect from the 7th February 2011.

The Jane Woolrich Design collection is made in the UK. Each garment is made by a dedicated seamstress using fine silks and lace.

We know that this price rise will not be welcome news. Even though the Jane Woolrich collection is very much aimed at the high end of the market, where customer incomes may not be so vulnerable to the downturn in the economy, no one likes to pay more than they have to, even for a luxury product like designer lingerie.

Crysalis Ltd who retail Jane Woolrich designs through two online lingerie boutiques has also held prices down. Despite the rise in VAT at the beginning of the year and increases in running costs, Crysalis had decided to absorb the rising costs for as long as possible. Now the time has come where it is necessary to review some pricing. Where ever possible Crysalis will either maintain the current price or keep any price rise to the absolute minimum. Where increases are necessary they will be phased in over the next few weeks. So customers planning to buy a silk nightgown, negligee, silk lingerie set or corset should consider purchasing early to avoid paying the extra cost.

Crysalis is the business behind the online lingerie boutiques Ever-so-Sexy.com and Loves-Lingerie.co.uk. Specialising in glamorous, sexy, bridal and designer lingerie, Crysalis is a small company based in the South West of England but delivering lovely lingerie to the world.
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文章关键词: Jane Woolrich  price increase  nightwear  lingerie 


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