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BWMB launches Campaign for Wool

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-02-09 09:24:07  来源:British Wool Marketing Board 收藏
The Campaign for Wool (CfW) – a cross industry initiative convened by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales - announced stage 2 – the international roll-out of the promotion - to members of the flooring industry at the trade show Surfaces on Tuesday (25th January) at Las Vegas.

Ian Hartley, CEO of the British Wool Marketing Board and Director of the CfW said, “We are amazed at the pace of this campaign and have seen such incredible support from major retailers and brands across the globe. The UK clearly was the right place to begin but the feedback we have received, is that the international wool community want to be part of this too.

“Our aim is to embrace that potential by rolling out the Wool Week concept and support retailers and manufacturers to help them market their wool ranges and give them a platform for wool.”

Talking of the success in the UK of the CfW he said, “Wool Week in the UK saw a truly stunning groundswell of retail activity and this was backed by massive media support. The consumer saw wool as a trend in its own right and this shows how we can motivate more business for wool and its natural sustainable message at a time when governments across the world are urging us to be more carbon efficient and think green. The time is clearly right for wool.”
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文章关键词: BWMB  Campaign for Wool  Prince of Wales 


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