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Toray to Increase Optical-use PET Film Production Capacity in China

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-02-14 09:08:54  来源:Food Ingredients First 收藏
Toray Industries, Inc. announced that it has decided to increase the production capacity of optical-use polyester (PET) films in China. Toray plans to invest approximately 5.5 billion yen in Yihua Toray Polyester Film Co., Ltd. (Yizheng, Jiangsu, China; "YTP"), in which it has a 50% stake, to add a production facility for optical-use thick films, annual production capacity of 15,000 tons. The additional facility is expected to start production in September 2012.

Toray plans to start producing optical-use thick films (6,600 tons annually) used in flat panel display (FPD) diffusers, prism sheets and micro lens at YTP in July this year. In coming years, the demand for optical-use thick film is expected to grow at a rapid pace in China, in excess of 30% per year, driven by the entry into local production by manufacturers of FPD-related materials and moves to increase domestic production. With this expansion, Toray raises its annual production capacity of optical films in China to 21,600 tons in one stroke to address the rapid growth in demand and retain its position as the No.1 supplier by ensuring stable supply.

The global market for PET film is expected to grow at an annual rate of 6%, by the strong growth in demand for food packaging application in addition to the expansion in the IT-related field as well as environment and energy fields. Optical films are expected to have a high growth rate, as demand for FPD-related use including the core LCD application has been strong and due to the spread of film components for making touch screen panels thinner and lighter. Since 2010, Toray has been allocating more than 35.0 billion yen in investment for the optical film field in a move to establish an optimal production structure built around its three bases in Japan, Republic of Korea and China.

As the top manufacturer of optical films led by high-performance, high-quality PET film LUMIRROR*, Toray will continue to drive forward allocation of investments in this field, while strengthening and expanding production bases in Asia to take advantage of the mega growth market and pursue further expansion of the film business.
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文章关键词: Toray  optical-use polyester  Production Capacity 


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