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China Polyester Filament Market Daily(15 Feb 2011)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-02-16 09:23:55  来源:CCFGroup 收藏

CCF Price
POY75/72F   16400-16800
POY150D/48F  14200-14600
FDY68D/24F   17200-17500
FDY150D/96F  14500-14800
DTY75D/72F   19300-20600
DTY150D/48F  15900-16200

PFY offers mainly kept stable today while some plants revised offers down 50-200yuan/mt under inventory pressure. However, judging from sales ratio, though some plants who provided relatively lower prices gained favorable sales, sales of other plants remained quite flat. Downstream plants became more cautious in view of a possible downtrend.

Jiangsu offers mainly stayed unchanged but some discounts enlarged. Trading prices also inched down a bit and trading sentiment remained weak. Sales ratio was mainly at 20-50% and plants expressed building inventory.

PFY sales ratio in Zhejiang and Jiangsu was low at 30-50% with lower ones at only 20% and higher ones at 60-70%. In the short term, PFY market will keep shivering with a weak look and a wait-and-see mood is widely spreading on market.

The majority of Fujian plants gave stable offers but some plants offered 100-200yuan/mt discounts. Major plants offered POY, FDY and DTY150D at 15000, 15000-15200 and 16600-16700yuan/mt. Sales ratio remained low, mostly at 40-50% but some plants pulled an even. As sales kept soft in recent days, inventory in major plants has increased to 15-20 days.

Downstream Operation
Downstream plants gradually resumed production but labor shortage and rising labor costs still weighed on downstream market. O/R in Shengze region rebounded slightly to 30% while run rates in Xiaoshan/Shaoxing circular knitting plants kept at 10%. Fujian and Guangdong looms ticked up to about 20%.

($1=CNY 6.59)

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