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DTT to hike price for all Ti-Pure TiO2 products sold in Asia Pacific (USA)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-02-17 10:51:30  来源:DuPont Titanium Technologies 收藏
Effective April 1, 2011, DuPont Titanium Technologies announces a net price increase of $300 (USD) per metric ton for all DuPont Ti-Pure titanium dioxide grades (TiO2) sold in Asia Pacific.

DuPont Titanium Technologies is the world's largest manufacturer of titanium dioxide, serving customers globally in the coatings, paper and plastics industries. The company operates plants at DeLisle, Miss.; New Johnsonville, Tenn.; Edge Moor, Del.; Altamira, Mexico; and Kuan Yin, Taiwan; all of which use the chloride manufacturing process. The company also operates a mine in Starke, Fla. Technical service centers are located in Paulinia, Brazil; Mexico City, Mexico; Mechelen, Belgium; Dzerzhinskiy, Russia; Kuan Yin, Taiwan; Ichon, Korea; Shanghai, China; Hyderabad, India; and Wilmington, Del., to serve the Latin American, European, Middle Eastern, Asian and North American markets.

DuPont is a science-based products and services company. Founded in 1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable solutions essential to a better, safer, healthier life for people everywhere. Operating in more than 90 countries, DuPont offers a wide range of innovative products and services for markets including agriculture and food; building and construction; communications; and transportation.

The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont, The miracles of science and Ti-Pure are registered trademarks or trademarks of DuPont or its affiliates.
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文章关键词: DTT  hike price  Ti-Pure TiO2 


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