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Accessories supplier participation increases 11% at Intertextile (Hong Kong)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-02-22 09:46:11  来源:Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd 收藏

Some 134 accessories suppliers from Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Thailand and mainland China, an 11 percent participation increase from last year's show will be grouped together on 4,600 sqm of trade space, up 9.5 percent year-on-year, at Intertextile Beijing Apparel Fabrics.

The show, runs this spring from 30 March - 1 April 2011 at the China International Exhibition Centre. The expanded accessories area will occupy the entire hall 9 and a portion of hall 7, meanwhile European accessories will showcase at the SalonEurope In hall 3. In its entirety, the trade fair will cover an exhibition space totalling 50,000 sqm.

''The Intertextile brand is one of the best in China and we believe that the Beijing fair will be a great opportunity for us to expand business in not only northern China but a good chance to reach out to international buyers as well'' said Mr Luo Sheng Jie, a representative for Goda Embroidery Co Ltd from Japan. The first time participant will display computer embroidery, sequin embroidery, cord embroidery, special embroidery plus hand - made and crochet embroidery.

Confirmed suppliers will introduce new products to the massive Chinese market. This feature reinforces the importance of Intertextile Beijing Apparel Fabrics amongst industry professionals from China and abroad.

Return domestic exhibitor Dalian YKK Zipper is one such brand who plans to display Metaluxe, a new light-weight metallic-plastic zipper designed from polyacetal resin and comes in six colours that have a scratch-resistant pigment, which gives it a shiny and glossy look.

Also on show will be a variety of buttons, lace and embroideries as well as thread & tapes, labels & tags, ribbons, hooks & loops, appliques sequins, beads & rhinestones plus many other items.

The show is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, The Sub-Council of Textile Industry -CCPIT and China Textile Information Centre.

Buyers and exhibitors benefit from the crossover of three industry events

Intertextile Beijing Apparel Fabrics takes place during the region's hottest fashion seasons and runs concurrently with China International Clothing and Accessories Fair (CHIC) from 28 -31 March 2011 as well as Yarn Expo Spring from 31 March - 2 April 2011.

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文章关键词: Intertextile Beijing  Apparel Fabric 


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