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China Nylon Filament Market Daily (28 Feb 2011)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-03-01 09:02:01  来源:CCFGroup 收藏

CCF Price
Semi-dull POY86Dtex/24F:   34,600yuan/mt  +0
Semi-dull DTY70D/24F:   38,000yuan/mt  +200
Semi-dull FDY70D/24F:   36,200yuan/mt  +100

Market Review
Today along with last weekends, offers of nylon filament yarn were at a stable stage, with traded prices mainly firm at high. As the downstream plants had still some inventory, buyers remained cautious about purchasing at the current high prices. Transactions were less compared to earlier period, while the previous orders helped limited inventory

Prices of high-grade POY86Dtex/24F were firm at 35000-35500yuan/mt, and 39Dtex/12F stood at 37000-38000yuan/mt. Low-grade 86Dtex/24F was traded at 33500yuan.mt or below. Semi-dull FDY 79D/24F pegged at 36000-36500yuan/mt, and offers of semi-dull 40D/12F were around 39000yuan/mt, with traded prices at the offering level or slightly below. High-grade of DTY70D/24F was offered firmly at 39500-40500yuan/mt, and trading prices were still following up.

Plant operation
The operation rate of NFY plants were about 91%, and product inventory was kept at around 6 days.


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文章关键词: Nylon Filament Price  Nylon POY  Nylon DTY  Nylon FDY 


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