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China's Official February PMI 52.2

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-03-02 09:30:39  来源:Dow Jones 收藏
China's official Purchasing Managers Index fell to 52.2 in February from 52.9 in January, the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, which issues the data with the National Bureau of Statistics, said Tuesday.

February was the third consecutive month in which the PMI, a measure of manufacturing activity, fell compared with the previous month. However, the input price subindex rose to 70.1 in February from 69.3 in January, indicating inflation pressures are continuing to rise in China.

Economists said February's PMI reading may have been distorted by the Lunar New Year holiday, which fell on Feb. 2-8.

A PMI reading above 50 indicates an expansion in manufacturing activity, while a reading below 50 indicates contraction.

CFLP analyst Zhang Liqun said in a statement the PMI reading shows the degree of any economic slowdown "will not be very great."

China's Official February Purchasing Managers Index Table Of Data

Component subindexes   February   January
Output           53.8    55.3
New orders         54.3    54.9
New export orders     50.9    50.7
Backlog of orders     46.6    46.5
Stocks of finished goods  46.4    47.9
Quantity of purchases   54.5    57.7
Imports          53.9    53.0
Input prices        70.1    69.3
Stocks of purchases    49.5    52.0
Employment         48.9    49.0
Suppliers' delivery time  48.2    49.5
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文章关键词: Purchasing Managers Index  Official PMI  PMI 


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