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Viscose Market Summary (Feb 16-28, 2011)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-03-02 09:39:27  来源:CCFGroup 收藏
Cotton linter price kept upswing on hiking cotton rates but then it dipped on falling cotton futures. The trading volume shrank as downstream plants showed no high buying interest.

Cotton linter pulp suppliers quoted firmly amid tight supply as well as hiking cotton linter rates previously. Major dissolving pulp suppliers in import market stopped offering but offers in China spot market hiked to 22000yuan/mt, no deals were said done. Transformed paper pulp prices were mixed due to big divergences in quality.

VSF plants generally raised quotation after the industry meeting but sales became soft after cotton futures fell. Producers still kept firm selling rates and there is still upward momentum in Mar.

VFY offers were revised up but traded prices followed up slowly. Prices are expected to move up with the coming peak season in Mar.
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