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Dezhou Hengfeng Developed New Fiber Products

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-03-03 09:21:51  来源:ccfgroup 收藏
Recently, Dezhou Hengfeng Textile Co., Ltd successfully developed new yarns spun of parster, jutecell and pupa protein fibers.

Parster fiber is a new natural fiber that is smooth, anti-pilling and easy dyed. This fiber is suitable to be spun with acrylic fiber, Modal fiber and wool, widely used in both knitting and weaving textiles.

Jutecell fiber is a kind of pro-environmental fiber with high wet and dry strength, fine moisture permeability and inhibitory mold, which could be spun not only for a kind of ideal fabric for summer but also for high-grade suit fabric.

Pupa protein fiber is a new biological fiber that is able to clear up fatigue, prevent skin senescence and protect from UV. The fabrics spun of the fiber with bright colors, good drape and multiple functions are able to be widely used in apparel, knitting underwear and home textiles.

As cotton prices stay high, textile enterprises develop novel fibers actively to reduce feedstock costs and improve products’ competitiveness.
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