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Interhometex taps potential demand for home furnishing

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-03-03 10:14:35  来源:Interhometex 收藏

Home Décor Exhibition Shenzhen Hometex + Wall & Décor is fostered to be the No.1 Furnishing Fabrics Exhibition in China.

Having an evolvement of 15 years, the 2011 Spring Shenzhen Hometex fair is scheduled to be held from 7 to 10 in March, 2011 at Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center. To gear itself up to the trend of Integrated Home Furnishing, Interhometex was renamed to Home Décor Exhibition. The exhibiting product groups are extended, and the size of the exhibition is soared up to 90,000 sq.m.s. Tens of thousands of buyers, insiders and designers invited flock to attend this gala party of the Chinese home furnishing industry.

Taps the Potential Demand for Home Furnishing
Shenzhen Hometex fair originally focused on curtains and decorative fabrics. Having observed the market trend, the organizing committee, beginning from March 2011, changes the exhibition name to Home Décor Exhibition Shenzhen Hometex + Wall & Décor. Home Décor Exhibition is the first exhibition that specializes in home furnishing and aims to become the foremost in China, which will satisfy the needs of massive consumers and create enormous business opportunity for exhibitors, buyers, and people from the interior design and decoration discipline.

Integrate Home Furnishing Industry Resource
Home Décor Exhibition is privileged to be offered support by home textiles association, wall paper association, home decoration associations all over the nation. Home Décor Exhibition originates the integration of home furnishing relevant industries, facilitating the perfect match between fabrics and wall paper and between furniture and ornaments, which will induce renovation and innovation of design, R&D, production and distribution of these industries and on another hand provides consumers a one-stop sourcing solution.

Lead Home Furnishing Fashion Consumption
With the mission to “breed hometex brand, lead fashion consumption”, Home Décor Exhibition has been the biggest high-end exhibition for decorative fabrics in China, the symbol of decorative fabrics fashion in China. Home Décor Exhibition 2011 Spring has added more connotation to this mission that is to lead home furnishing fashion. Home Décor Exhibition 2011 Spring is gratified by the participation of each single leading brand exhibitor. The conglomeration of these leading brands enables Home Décor Exhibition to live up to this new mission.

Stimulate Home Furnishing “Creation in China”
Home Décor Exhibition 2011 Spring will offer participants such wonderful activities as National Home Furnishing Design Contest, National Art College Design Contest, New Products Appraisal, Exhibiting Stand Appraisal, Designers Salon, Designers Lecture, Forums and Seminars, Fashion Presentation, Awarded Works Presentation and Industry Networking Party. These activities are examination for the Chinese home furnishing industry in one year which also serves as reference for future development.

Home Décor Exhibition has established sound IPR mechanism. The on-site IPR panel composed by provincial and municipal copy right bureaus, copy right associations all over the country and licensed lawyers’ firms provides potent copy-right laws execution and supervision on-site. Home Décor Exhibition 2011 Spring is the “Experimental Unit of Trade Fair IPR in Guangdong Province”, being one of the five exhibitions that obtains this honorable title among numerous exhibitions in Guangdong Province.

Home Décor Exhibition Shenzhen Hometex + Wall & Décor 2011 Spring is the impellent momentum and optimum platform for home furnishing “Created in China”.

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文章关键词: Interhometex  potential demand  home furnishing 


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