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China's Wuxi Beckons Bruneians To Explore Business Opportunities

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-03-09 13:47:47  来源:Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin 收藏

Wuxi, one of China's 10 most economically dynamic cities, beckons Bruneians to explore business opportunities there.

In an interview with the chairwoman of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, China Chamber of International Commerce, Madam Xu Huijuan, who is currently leading a 16-member delegation to Brunei, said Wuxi is home to China's largest maker of photovoltaic (PV) cells and next year the city will host the 3rd Chinese Renewable Energy Conference.

She hoped a Brunei delegation would attend the conference, as Brunei is keen in the area of renewable energy.

She said Wuxi, which is just over an hour's train ride from Shanghai, about 128 kilometres west of Shanghai and 183km east of Nanjing, is a robust and dynamic city with high-tech industry clusters.

She said Wuxi produces many products that Brunei businessmen would be interested to explore, ranging from textile to electronics.

In the interview she also talked about Wuxi as a tourist destination. According to her, Wuxi has the third largest freshwater lake in China.

Wuxi is also the top tourist city and a national garden city, with natural beauties such as rivers, lakes and caves, ranking among the 10 most important tourists cities in China.

Madam Xu Huijuan hoped Brunei will explore Wuxi as a travel destination and the city has much to offer. The city receives 865,000 overseas tourists and 62.66 million 
domestic visitors to local parks annually, with tourism revenue totalling 74.873 billion yuan.

The Wuxi delegation is in Brunei to explore trade and economic cooperation as well as business-matching opportunities.

Yesterday the delegation visited the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry Brunei Darussalam. They were accompanied by the Economic and Commercial Counsellor's Office of the Embassy of China in Brunei.

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