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Yiwu Huading First Batch of Listed Company Apply Passed

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-03-18 10:28:41  来源:CCFGroup 收藏

China Securities Regulatory Commission had passed the fist batch of apply to appear on the market of Yiwu Huading Nylon Co., Ltd (Huading) on its No. 45 meeting on Mar 14. Journalist had confirmed this news with an Office for listed company in Yiwu and Huading itself.

Yiwu Huading nylon co.,ltd, belonging to China Sanding Group co.,ltd, is a modern enterprise and majors in production of nylon 6 multifilament. 

It put into production in Oct 2003, it persists in making high-quality and differentiated nylon filament yarn with a yearly output of about 4.2mt. Products sell good in areas of Europe, the US, South East Asia and the Middle East.

Huading planned to issue less than 800 million shares on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, funding 513 million yuan on the program of 4mt differentiated nylon 6 filament yarn and 2mt differentiated DTY. The general capital will be limited within 320 million yuan.

Companies being permitted this time includes another three from Shenzheng, Shandong and Fujian respectively.


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