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Bosideng to expand non-down apparel business

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-03-18 10:40:50  来源:Bosideng International Holdings Limited 收藏
Bosideng International Holdings Limited is pleased to announce the Group’s further expansion in the non-down apparel business. Recently, Shanghai Bosideng International Fashion Co Ltd, the Group’s wholly owned subsidiary, invested approximately RMB100 million in various forms including capital increase for the acquisition of 51% shares of Lanboxing Company.

Lanboxing Company specializes in the design of children’s wear and related products as well as brand operation. Brands operated by Lanboxing Company includes “D.D. Cat” established in 1999 and “Mikyo”, “r100” and “M&Q” established in 2007 with brand positioning targeting the casual, stylish, sporty and personality children’s wear markets. Currently, the four brands operate over 1,200 stores across the nation, mainly distributed in the provinces of eastern and southern China.

After the acquisition, Lanboxing Company will enter a stage of rapid development leveraging on the Group's strong support. It is expected that market share and brand awareness of the brand will be effectively enhanced, and will be evolving into a leading brand in the PRC casual wear market. In the next five years, the number of stores under Lanboxing Company will be increased by 150-200 each year and will reach 2,000 in 2015.

Mr. Gao Dekang, Chairman and CEO of Bosideng, said, “The Group has been actively identifying non-down apparel brands with growth potential and good reputation, to increase the proportion of the non-down apparel business in overall sales. Not only does the investment in Lanboxing Company expand the Group’s brand portfolio, our target customer segments are also widened, speeding up transformation of “Bosideng” into an integrated apparel brand operator.”

Bosideng International Holdings Limited is the largest down apparel company in the PRC. It has 7,413 retail outlets across the nation, selling down apparel under its six core brands including “Bosideng”, “Snow Flying”, “Kangbo”, “Bengen” (previously known as “Bingjie”), “Shuangyu” and “Shangyu”.
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文章关键词: Bosideng  non-down apparel 


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