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China Nylon Filament Yarn Market Daily (22 Mar 2011)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-03-23 10:11:04  来源:CCFGroup 收藏

CCF Price
Semi-dull POY86Dtex/24F: 34,800yuan/mt  -200
Semi-dull DTY70D/24F:   38,300yuan/mt  +0
Semi-dull FDY70D/24F:   36,600yuan/mt  +0

Market Review
The hiking back CPL prices had not successfully push up nylon filament yarn prices. Today, trading sentiment in the NFY market was still sluggish.

In POY market, plants of higher grade products operated steadily and low-grade plants were catching up with the sales and adjusted prices down slighly. Offers of high-grade 86Dtex/12F stand firmly on 35500yuan/mt, with medium-grade prices at 34500-35000yuan/mt, and low-grade prices at around 33500-34000yuan/t.

As to FDY market, semi-dull 70D/24F for jet spinning was firmly traded at 36500yuan/mt. Semi-dull 70D/24F for warp weaving was traded at 37000yuan/mt or slightly above.

As to DTY market, high-grade semi-dull 70D/24F was traded prices at around 39500yuan/mt or slightly above. Medium-grade product was traded at 38500-39000yuan/mt, and low-grade at around 36000yuan/mt.

Plant operation
Plant operation rate today stayed at around 94%. FDY producers receive a relatively good number of orders and have no inventory pressure currently, and POY plants only partially delivers goods and thus get inventory a bit higher to averagely at around days. DTY plants are suffering a greater pressure with inventory standing at 15-20 days.


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