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CCI experts to present cotton market overview at Interstoff

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-03-23 10:37:41  来源:Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd 收藏

Cotton market overview presentations led by experts from Cotton Council International.

Online pre-registration for seminars now open.

In light of the soaring global cotton prices, Interstoff Asia Essential Spring, taking place from 16 �C 18 March 2011, will present a series of discussions focusing on the current cotton market overview as well as provide sustainable solutions for industry professionals across the value chain. The comprehensive seminar programme will also cover a vast range of topics from design and trends to product safety and technology updates.

''Asia, Hong Kong in particular, is a perfect place for those in the industry to gather and exchange information and experiences regarding their respective roles along the supply chain within the apparel industry. Interstoff Asia Essential is one such forum that can provide a platform for discussion,'' commented Ms Karin Malstorm, Director for China, Cotton Council and one of this spring's presentation speakers. She further noted: ''by sharing information we hope to assist all along this supply chain to cope with the ever and faster-changing environment in which we all operate.''

The cotton market overview and its impact on the textile supply chain presentations will take place on Thursday, 17 March 2011. Speakers include:

- Ms Karin Malstorm, Director for China Cotton Council International will give an overview of the Asia Pacific cotton market

- Mr Dennis Tao, Technical Services Manager, Textiles Performance Chemical Division, Greater China for BASF will provide sustainable cotton textile manufacturing solutions Meanwhile, the design & trend seminar programme will take place on Wednesday, 16 March 2011 and complements on-site trend forecasts. Speakers include:

- Ms Fanny Schricke, Fashion and Beauty Project Manager for NellyRodi Agency will preview the Spring/Summer trends for the coming year

- Ms Valerie Wilson Trower, Trend Director - Asia for Stylesight will give a presentation of their trend forecast for Spring / Summer 2012

- Mr Joo Paulo Nunes, founding editor of the fashion and lifestyle blog ''World Man About Town'', Editor-at-Large for Sch?n! magazine, London Editor for the Fashion Trendsetter website and Men's Fashion Editor for the Haute Mimi International website will discuss: At the Crossroads: The Impeding Universal Patchwork of Sartorial Fabric

- Ms Chen Juan, Design Director for China (Dalang) Woolen Textile Product Development Centre will present the knitwear trends for 2011/2012, the market demand for China's knitwear products and the current issues of knitwear design (co-organised by Knitwear Innovation & Design Society) Sustainable textile technology seminars co-organised by the Hong Kong Productivity Council will also take place on Wednesday. Speakers include:

- Mr Kevin Ling, Managing Director for Microban International Ltd will present sustainable textile technology

Mr Wilson Chung, Colour Management Consultant for WYS System Ltd will have a presentation of colour management solution for the textile and garment industry

Equally as important are the product safety and standardisation seminars that will be held on Friday, 18 March 2011. Speakers include:

- Mr. Andre Leroy, Chairman, Apparel & Footwear Committee American Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong

- Dr. Jean-Pierre Haug, COO and Head of Laboratories of TESTEX for TESTEX Swiss Textile-Testing Ltd

- Mr. Hong Lee, Regional Marketing Manager, Asia Pacific for Control Union Certifications

- Mr Herbert Ladwig, Coordinator for International Working Group on Global Organic Textile Standard, Germany

- Mr Marcus Bruegel, Technical Director for International Working Group on Global Organic Textile Standard, Germany Admission for some of the seminars are subject to a nominal entrance fee.

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