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Collaboration with SDC in Color Training

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-03-24 09:50:59  来源:SGS Group 收藏
SGS now delivers SSC ISO Color Fastness Training Program in China. The program was designed to promote best practices and to provide knowledge in a number of key areas.

Designed to help people work, think and learn more effectively, the training focuses on topics of direct concern when working with ISO Color fastness test methods. This program can ensure that everyone in the textile supply chain knows how to carry out the tests more effectively and efficiently and analyze results correctly. The modules are designed for specifies, designers, buyers, garment technologists, fabric makers, dyers, garment makers, etc.

The SGS Group is the global leader and innovator in inspection, verification, testing and certification services. Founded in 1878, SGS is recognized as the global benchmark in quality and integrity. With more than 64,000 employees, SGS operates a network of over 1,250 offices and laboratories around the world.
SDC is the world's leading independent, educational charity dedicated to advancing the science and technology of colour worldwide. Established in 1884, we have been representing our members and our industry for over 100 years.
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文章关键词: SSC ISO  Color Fastness  Color Training  SGS  SDC 


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